Find the right solution

We understand that selecting the right gear for your needs can sometimes be difficult.

Is the laptop running the right software, will the sound system give enough volume, or too much?


Please complete the form below, it will give us some indication of your needs. We will then call you to discuss how we can supply the right solution.

Please complete as much information as you are able. If you’d rather speak to a person, or you are working on a short time frame, please call us on 0800 777 667.

Reason for wanting equipment? *
If Other, Please Specify
What do you want to do/have others able to do at your event? *
Please explain below, to the best of your ability, what you are looking to achieve and leave the rest to us.

Dates Required (If known)


Or the number of:

Days *
Special Instructions
Special Instructions/requests or additional information; including delivery address if known.
Name *
Company Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *